Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Epic Failures and Engrish

He's not playing chess. See the top left corner to know what he's really doing..


Thursday, May 28, 2009

It was my birthday two days ago. To celebrate, I bought a new toy.

The new toy is not Domo-kun. It's the object used to take the picture of Domo :D. It's just an entry-level cam..

I think I deserve a new toy. After all, I spent the first 30 minutes or so of my birthday in the Toilet. Of all places..

I'm 20 years old now. I'm gonna miss being a teen. =(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

posted by UMSU on Wednesday, May 20 2009

This Thursday, 21 May, the University of Melbourne staff will be striking to demand better working conditions such as a decrease in class size and workload. This is part of statewide strike action by the National Tertiary Education Union.This benefits all of us; it is our education that is affected when classes are too big and staff are overworked.So this Thursday, support your staff and don't come on to campus, but come help the picket line!
Contact: Frances
Title: Welfare Office
22 May - Minda's and my birthday dinner

26 May - My Birthday

10 June - Investments Finals

15 June - Audit Finals

17 June - Financial Accounting and Introductory Personal Finance Finals

30 June - :D

5 July - 10 July - Sydney trip!

13 July - 16 July - Gold Coast trip!

I can't wait for my exams to be OVERRRRRR

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I drew a Magikarp on Msn Messenger whilst lying down on the bed..

Monday, March 2, 2009

My favourite dinosaur.

The anatomic disproportionateness of this creature intrigues me. Plus, it's so damn cute.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I pity whoever visits HELP's main block..

You'll gonna have to look at my face! Haha!

I haven't had a look of it myself yet..