Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It really sucks when I buy something which is already discounted..

And few days later.. it gets further discounted.. by a significant amount.


It's happened to me twice already. And at the SAME shop.


I just made up a new, extremely useful quote today! Good for annoying people too when used repeatedly.. hahahah. No, I'm not going to say what it is here.. don't want it to be abused..

I've gotten myself an early birthday present ><. Bought a trench coat yesterday for $70.. shhhh don't tell anyone.. HOPEFULLY I'll stop buying more clothes from now on.. at least until there's a huge sale or something.

The finales for Desperate and One Tree Hill were so.. ARGHHHHHH.. the endings were so full of suspense. Can't wait till September when the new seasons premiere for all the tv series i watch.. Heroes 3 hour season premiere woohoo!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

An update..

The weather today was the coldest I've ever experienced since I've been here! It was raining practically the whole day (I think.. I was asleep half of the day =P) and the maximum temperature was.. 9 degrees? I like it though.. I think I'm getting quite used to the cold now..

I bought The Age Cheap Eats Guide 2008.. such an expensive food guide (after conversion), but I think it's quite worth the money I paid for it.. I love trying out new places to eat.. and the only places I can afford to try out here are the ones which are CHEAP.. haha. I can hardly afford any of the places featured in the Good Food Guide =(.

Right now I'm looking forward to my birthday! It's like.. the most important day of the year for me. This year.. I've booked a table at a Japanese restaurant named Izakaya Chuji for my birthday dinner.. I always make it a point to spoil myself rotten on my one special day of the year =). Hope that the food's good.. Especially since it is awarded 2 stars in the cheap eats guide..

Monday, May 12, 2008


The one I'm facing right now is..

Do I go back home and cook dinner and watch TV then (hopefully) go to sleep?


Do I just go to sleep right now in the uni library?

I'm so so so so tired..

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Currently listening to:

Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart

Augustana - Hey Now

Coldplay - Violet Hill

Faker - This Heart Attack

Fall Out Boy - Beat It

FM Static - Tonight

The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger

The Kills - Sour Cherry

Mint Royale - Singing in the Rain

Phantom Planet - Do the Panic

The Potbelleez - Don't Hold Back

Sick Puppies - What Are you Looking For