Sunday, May 18, 2008

An update..

The weather today was the coldest I've ever experienced since I've been here! It was raining practically the whole day (I think.. I was asleep half of the day =P) and the maximum temperature was.. 9 degrees? I like it though.. I think I'm getting quite used to the cold now..

I bought The Age Cheap Eats Guide 2008.. such an expensive food guide (after conversion), but I think it's quite worth the money I paid for it.. I love trying out new places to eat.. and the only places I can afford to try out here are the ones which are CHEAP.. haha. I can hardly afford any of the places featured in the Good Food Guide =(.

Right now I'm looking forward to my birthday! It's like.. the most important day of the year for me. This year.. I've booked a table at a Japanese restaurant named Izakaya Chuji for my birthday dinner.. I always make it a point to spoil myself rotten on my one special day of the year =). Hope that the food's good.. Especially since it is awarded 2 stars in the cheap eats guide..

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