Sunday, June 22, 2008

" Lalala la lalala : Lalala la lalala Lalala la lalala : Lalala la lalala Lalala la lalala : Lalala la lalala Lalala la lalala : Lalala la"
- Gobbledigook by Sigur Rós

Ever since my Econometrics exam.. I've been taking a break from studying because really, "I Can't Take It Anymore".. therefore I've been leading an extremely unproductive lifestyle these past few days. I think my days after my Sydney trip will be spent in similar fashion.

For example, today all I did was wake up in the afternoon, enjoy the shining sun for 2 hours, gorge on sweet thai chilli flavoured potato chips (very nice.. red rock brand is the best btw), watch 2 movies on tv.. and later on.. watch a whole stretch of The Office season 2 while drinking Black Label Chilled Orange Juice.. "ganas" brand for fruit juice..

I want some new songs to listen to! The latest songs I have right now are songs from Chuck OST (quite a nice tv series..), the new Coldplay album, which in my opinion is absolute auditory pleasure.. and a few other songs like the one quoted at the beginning of this post.

I love my Mexican Hat Dance ringtone.

Bye bye.

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