Sunday, August 24, 2008

GTA IV is so so sooo much fun! Hahahaha.. I absolutely love the political incorrectness of the game.. not to mention, the radio stations and tv channels are EXTREMELY FUNNY. I just sat on the couch staring at Niko on the TV watching the TV for 30 mins straight hahahha. I also tend to be very suicidal in the game. I tried jumping from the subway station down to the ground. Made a woman scream and run in terror when the guy landed HAHA. I also jumped onto the subway tracks but in the end decided to make him climb back up to safety. I won't save him next time =P

I've only completed 9.77% of the game so far =(. Such a long way to go.. I wish I have my own PS3.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I shall not be drinking alcohol for some time.. I think all my alcohol cravings for the entire year have been satiated in one night.

I took a measly amount of pictures that night.. All the other pictures were taken by other friends. It can be found on Facebook if you're curious and resourceful enough.. at least I don't look wasted in them.

I missed the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony =(. However, I was wearing my Beijing Olympics t-shirt earlier during the day ahhahahahha. Official merchandise you know!

First assignment due on Thursday, arghhhhh! Lots of textbook reading left.. at least I've finished the reading pack one. OB is not as boring as Cost Management. CM is real hell and is officially one of the most boring subjects I've ever taken. Makes me seriously question a future career as an accountant. Thank god for finance..

Oh, and about how the MNC interview went, let me summarise it in 3 words:

It. Was. Shit.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I have a phone interview with a huge MNC this Thursday. I'm feeling really really nervous because my current interview success rate is a whopping 0% and it would be a huge success if I manage to finally nail one. I could really use the $$$, not to mention the invaluable experience I would definitely gain IF I get the internship.

Wish me luck..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I should significantly cut down on coffee consumption at uni, since my body is obviously immune to caffein. I dozed off for a few minutes during law lecture today even though i just had a large cup of coffee. Just as well since I'm currently rather broke.

Did more origami for OB tute today. This time it was those "fortune-teller" thingies most of us used to play during our childhood. I, together with another person, had to teach the members of our group the fine art of folding those things as a tutorial activity.

Last week it was folding paper planes for Cost Management.. now this..

I think I should sleep now.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

To My Neighbours (The Ones Next Door In Particular),

I would like to politely ask the people mentioned above to
I have been putting up with all the noisy music and loud irritating high-pitched whiny fucked-up voices of yours ever since I've been here. And thanks to your apparant lack of IQ or a brain, I have gotten calls from our friendly security guards on the ground floor to keep the "volume" down in my room. WHEN ALL THE SHIT COMES FROM YOUR PLACES. Even the loudest volume i play my music at can BARELY BE HEARD FROM OUTSIDE MY DOOR. So Minda and I have had to take all of your fucking crap on your non-deserving behalves.

I went out of my room and walked right next door and YUP. THE LOUD NOISES. FROM NEXT DOOR. DOING FUCK KNOWS WHAT. The next time I get a call I might be so angry I might just give the guard a good scolding and ask him to call your unit instead.

My hatred for my neighbours grows day by day, amplified by the ear-piercing decibles emnating from their rooms. Fucking deaf ingrates. I bet their eardrums are already fucking busted thanks to their constant abuse and think that their voices are like music to other people's ears. NEVER HAVE I HEARD SUCH ANNOYING GRATING VOICES IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.

Many thanks for destroying my peace and for the panda eyes I will definitely have in the afternoon thanks to your thoughtlessness.