Monday, August 11, 2008

I shall not be drinking alcohol for some time.. I think all my alcohol cravings for the entire year have been satiated in one night.

I took a measly amount of pictures that night.. All the other pictures were taken by other friends. It can be found on Facebook if you're curious and resourceful enough.. at least I don't look wasted in them.

I missed the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony =(. However, I was wearing my Beijing Olympics t-shirt earlier during the day ahhahahahha. Official merchandise you know!

First assignment due on Thursday, arghhhhh! Lots of textbook reading left.. at least I've finished the reading pack one. OB is not as boring as Cost Management. CM is real hell and is officially one of the most boring subjects I've ever taken. Makes me seriously question a future career as an accountant. Thank god for finance..

Oh, and about how the MNC interview went, let me summarise it in 3 words:

It. Was. Shit.

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