Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I've been studying this past 1-1 and a half weeks or so.. Have got 2 mid terms this week, one of which I sat for today. I hope I won't fail both.... if I failed today's one, I can literally go kill myself or something.

My throat has been aching like crazy since yesterday, I really don't know why. All of a sudden, I woke up with one hell of an aching throat. Drinking water can be torture sometimes.

I'm at a loss for what to eat for dinner everynight. Instant noodles is always an option, but I love my artificially coloured red hair very much. Plus, I don't want to return home and end up being Yun Nam haircare's latest ambassador. Haih =(

I feel like going somewhere expensive to eat for a change. I do have the money.. After all, I did save a four figure sum of AUD to bring here.. I miss the indulgence of going to expensive restaurants to have a gastronomic meal once in a while haha. And the MYR-AUD exchange rate has been extremely favourable lately!

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