Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monday night cooking session

Monday night's dinner was a very simple dinner: Spiral Pasta with Creamy Sundried Tomato Sauce + Mixed Beef & Mixed Herbs

Added 1 teaspoon of sugar to the mix as well to tone down the sourness abit.. This is the best tomato-based pasta dished I've cooked so far. I really liked it and had the leftovers for dinner today.

Anyway.. I didn't get through to the 2nd Safeway interview.. =(.. Found out about it yesterday.. was quite disappointed. Nevertheless, it was a good experience, especially since this is the first time I've gone through the job application process and managed to get a group interview on my first try. Met a rather diverse group of people there as well. Plus, I had the opportunity to walk around the FARAWAY suburb of Preston.

I'm STILL applying for jobs here and there.. learning from this experience and hoping to finally manage to secure a job soon. Really cutting down on my spending now by preparing lunch at home =)

I have three assignments due between 8-12 May.. it's killer, but I feel that there's less pressure compared to before since I don't have anymore mid terms to study for. Mid terms here are really hellish and stressful, absolutely nervewrecking .Totally different from HELP. I find it much tougher here =S.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I wonder why..

ALL the HOT guys are GAY?


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You know you're lucky when..

You board a tram where ALL the ticket validation machines are CLOSED and the ticket machine is OUT OF ORDER. HAHA!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Friday.. Minda, Derek (bro), Steph (sis-in-law.. and from now on they shall be known as such here) and I went to the most CRAPTASTIC dessert place ever in Melbourne, some say Malaysia.

Minda's Yoyo. It was.. so-so.. even the cheap cakeshops in Malaysia can come up with this..

"Grape fruit roll". More like Grape Shit if you ask me.. It's sis-in-law's FAVOURITE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TOO HAHA. TOK TOK TOK. Stupid rock hard piece of sh*t. It was the most expensive dessert out of the 4 somemore.

Sis-in-law's I forgot what's the name of this dessert. The middle part was okay.. but I'm not a big fan of the cream..

Bro's chocolate mud cake. Looks nice, right? But the insides were so damn DRY..

So the conclusion is.. DO NOT go to the dessert place at Lonsdale St, next to Stalagtites. You have been forewarned.

Apart from that, we also had Vietnamese beef noodles at Russel St, and chinese dinner at Sharks Fin House at Little Bourke St, which in my opinion, is the most OVERRATED chinese restaurant in Melbourne. I found dim sum there just plain average.. thankfully their dinner dishes are better. But they have that stupid minimum $15 per head charge..

We'll be trying out Pacific House at Richmond this Friday! Planned to go to Glen Waverly for some dim sum on Saturday but I just remembered that I am volunteering for the MASCA Intervarsity games.. yeah man I'm so involved in extracuricullar stuff now hahaha.

We plan to try out new makan places every Friday from now on.. and start a food blog to document our culinary experiences.. However, we don't have a name for our group yet =(.. Any suggestions?

I've also managed to secure a Group Assessment invitation from Safeway supermarket.. if all goes well.. I would officially be a working overseas student. I have to get through this and pass the 2nd interview as well.. The extra cash would do very very nicely to fund my shopping trips.. =) I just bought shoes today.. 3-inch wedges.. only $20 because the store had a 60% off storewide sale. Nice nice me likey.. I shop tooooo much here.. compared to back home.. haih.. the currency exchange rate doesn't help much either.

I also bought Levi's jeans from the Spencer St. DFO! BEST BARGAIN EVER. Only $25. The original price was $100. If you don't think that's an awesome bargain, you ought to be whacked with those jeans..

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Today's Dinner Special

Spaghetti Aglio Olio with Mushrooms and Smoked Salmon!

First time I ever tried cooking this dish.. so proud of myself.. hahahah

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


why why why why why?

=/ ....


Assignments and mid terms this week YAARGHHHHHH

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cooking Journal

This is to prove that I'm an AWESOME chef (in my opinion).. haha. I have not burned down the kitchen so far or cooked anything that made anyone rush to the toilet after eating it, so I think my cooking is at the very least..edible for the masses.

Let me show you some of the stuff I've cooked so far..not in chronological order..

My first breakfast!

Just follow packet instructions.. how SIMPLE. And lazy of me.

My first spaghetti! Not bad.. but doesn't taste so good when it's eaten as leftovers..

Today I cooked chicken with my very own gravy! I liked it and I think Minda did too.. tastes something like what my mom does.. hahaha. So it's a great success!

I'm going to keep updating this post from time to time to show more of my dishes..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sometimes, with all the things going on with my life right now, I feel overwhelmed..

It isn't easy juggling with so much more things than I used to handle when I was back home.. not that I'm complaining about it. But once in awhile.. the stress of it all kinda gets to me a little.

So the easiest way to regain some semblance of sanity in my life is to..

Just forget about everything for awhile..


Have some mindless chatter..

And a bottle of beer. =)