Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monday night cooking session

Monday night's dinner was a very simple dinner: Spiral Pasta with Creamy Sundried Tomato Sauce + Mixed Beef & Mixed Herbs

Added 1 teaspoon of sugar to the mix as well to tone down the sourness abit.. This is the best tomato-based pasta dished I've cooked so far. I really liked it and had the leftovers for dinner today.

Anyway.. I didn't get through to the 2nd Safeway interview.. =(.. Found out about it yesterday.. was quite disappointed. Nevertheless, it was a good experience, especially since this is the first time I've gone through the job application process and managed to get a group interview on my first try. Met a rather diverse group of people there as well. Plus, I had the opportunity to walk around the FARAWAY suburb of Preston.

I'm STILL applying for jobs here and there.. learning from this experience and hoping to finally manage to secure a job soon. Really cutting down on my spending now by preparing lunch at home =)

I have three assignments due between 8-12 May.. it's killer, but I feel that there's less pressure compared to before since I don't have anymore mid terms to study for. Mid terms here are really hellish and stressful, absolutely nervewrecking .Totally different from HELP. I find it much tougher here =S.

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