Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is playing Minesweeper expert level everyday non-stop until I win at least one round mean I have OCD? I've been doing so ever since I was in Form 5.. so it's been a 3-years long habit. It's an addiction which can't seem to be broken..

Sometimes I play 3-card Solitaire too. I rarely win =(

I've given up trying to pass the final stages of Penguin Fever. It's so frustrating since the game seems to allow no room for creativity.. If the solution I come up with doesn't match with the game's set solution, I still end up losing, even though I managed to knock down all the penguins. Dammit.

I feel so tired today. Still am not used to waking up fairly early to attend lectures.. Doesn't help that the lectures don't seem to be very interesting so far. Apart from the paper plane making and throwing session today, haha! Fell asleep during law lecture even though I had 1 large coffee before that..

I can't wait for the week to end..

Fulfilling Obligations..

I got tagged by Harry. I don't do tags all the time but I'm bored, so I'll make this an exception.. and after reading through this, you might know me just a little bit more.

Six things I’m passionate about
1. Food
2. Music
3. Shoes
4. Shopping
5. My 2 darling cats.. miss them so much
6. My personal causes not sanctioned by any particular organization.

Six things I say too often
Oh my god this is hard.. I have no idea what do I say too often..
1. la
2. "hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha"
3. shit you la
4. you suck
5. go away I don't like you
6. I don't know. Not that I don't know what's the 6th thing i say too often, you know what I mean?

Six books I’ve read recently
1. Frank Lampard's autobiography
2. Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides. This is a good book.
3. Plain Truth - Jodi Picoult
4. Playing with Fire - Gordon Ramsay
5. OK! magazine (Australian edition)
6. People magazine

Six songs I can listen to again and again
I'm just skimming through my song collection to answer this question..
1. Boston - Augustana
2. Yesterday - The Beatles
3. Think I'm In Love - Beck
4. Trouble - Coldplay
5. Die Another Day - Madonna
6. Memory (acoustic version) - Sugarcult

Six things I learnt in the past year
1. Driving around in my CLK (cute little Kancil)
2. How to cook meals which are suitable for human consumption
3. Stream TV series online.. saves so much time and hard drive space
4. The life-altering skill of tram-hopping
5. Succesfully open all sorts of bottles
6. My alcohol tolerance

I cooked oreo dory for dinner today! It's not dory with oreos.. it's actually one of the dory varieties. It was the first time I've attempted cooking fish which is not breaded or covered in tempura batter, so I'm damn proud of myself =). Tasted quite good too in my opinion. I still have a few pieces left so I'm going to cook more dory again one of these days.

I miss eating fish sooooo much, especially fish cooked chinese style. I'm really craving for steamed river fish with soya sauce... one of my all time favourite dishes...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Laser wars today was so much FUN! Was 5th out of 12 people.. not bad eh for a first timer?

Classes are resuming in 2 days time.. I like my timetable this sem, because all my classes are in the afternoon =D. Lazy me always seems to fall asleep during morning classes.. and I get Tuesdays off! So it's all good..

Monday, July 14, 2008

It feels weird not uttering a single word at all throughout the day.. because there is no one else to talk to! Unless I talk to myself.. but that would mean that I've gone crazy.. and I think I'm still rather sane.. My vocal chords are so under-utilized =(..

Good thing I should be going out tomorrow! Yay more food! I've cut down on eating since I've been back here in Melb but my love for food is still as strong as ever, haha.

I feel like going down to the city to window shop and to get more wine/liqour.. hahaha I'm NOT an alcoholic ok.. just the OCCASIONAL drink now and then. No, I'm not in denial. Shhhhhhh..

I want to get a new white scarf to replace the one that magically disappeared.. I loved that scarf so much =(.. but EVERYTIME i go to the store where the scarf is sold.. they don't have that colour! That shop never has what I want when I really want it and when I don't plan to get anything.. IT'S THERE. Kinda weird...

Apart from that.. I'm not in the mood to buy anything else.. I think I already have enough shoes and clothes for now.. must practice self-restraint...

Friday, July 11, 2008

In all its glory..

Code Semester Year Description Mark Grade
306106 1 2008 Business Process Analysis 071 H2B
306202 1 2008 Intermediate Financial Accounting 059 P
316205 1 2008 Introductory Econometrics 062 P
333201 1 2008 Business Finance 060 P

University of Melbourne Result Grades Explanation, from semester 1, 1993 to present
H1 80-100 First Class Honours
H2A 75-79 Second Class Honours Division A
H2B 70-74 Second Class Honours Division B
H3 65-69 Third Class Honours
P 50-64 Pass
N 0-49 Fail

Should I feel happy? I don't know.. I have mixed feelings about this.. but at least, I'm relieved that I do not have to retake any subject.. These days I seem to aim to pass! If I want to more than pass, looks like i have to say goodbye to my social life =(..

Looks like changes and sacrifices have to be made next semester..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

So far this winter.. my mom and sis came over to visit.. and we went to Sydney together.. and I came back here alone.

At Lindt Cafe, Darling Harbour, Sydney

Since I've been back from Sydney, I bought another pair of shoes to increase the total amount of shoes I have with me to 11 (my very own football team of shoes), and re-dyed my hair. It's now a lovely, brighter shade of red than the one I had previously.. very satisfied with it.. Hope I can get the same colour done at home since 2 shades of red were mixed to create my current colour..

The boredom has slowly but surely started to sink in.. Especially since there hasn't been that many interesting shows on tv these past few days.. I feel like dota-ing =/ been ages since I last played =(. My laggy wireless internet doesn't allow it now.. the ping time is madness..

I wish I could watch CHELSEA play BACK HOME! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... If Lampard's playing, I think I could cry.. Why can't they come in December instead?