Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is playing Minesweeper expert level everyday non-stop until I win at least one round mean I have OCD? I've been doing so ever since I was in Form 5.. so it's been a 3-years long habit. It's an addiction which can't seem to be broken..

Sometimes I play 3-card Solitaire too. I rarely win =(

I've given up trying to pass the final stages of Penguin Fever. It's so frustrating since the game seems to allow no room for creativity.. If the solution I come up with doesn't match with the game's set solution, I still end up losing, even though I managed to knock down all the penguins. Dammit.

I feel so tired today. Still am not used to waking up fairly early to attend lectures.. Doesn't help that the lectures don't seem to be very interesting so far. Apart from the paper plane making and throwing session today, haha! Fell asleep during law lecture even though I had 1 large coffee before that..

I can't wait for the week to end..

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