Monday, July 14, 2008

It feels weird not uttering a single word at all throughout the day.. because there is no one else to talk to! Unless I talk to myself.. but that would mean that I've gone crazy.. and I think I'm still rather sane.. My vocal chords are so under-utilized =(..

Good thing I should be going out tomorrow! Yay more food! I've cut down on eating since I've been back here in Melb but my love for food is still as strong as ever, haha.

I feel like going down to the city to window shop and to get more wine/liqour.. hahaha I'm NOT an alcoholic ok.. just the OCCASIONAL drink now and then. No, I'm not in denial. Shhhhhhh..

I want to get a new white scarf to replace the one that magically disappeared.. I loved that scarf so much =(.. but EVERYTIME i go to the store where the scarf is sold.. they don't have that colour! That shop never has what I want when I really want it and when I don't plan to get anything.. IT'S THERE. Kinda weird...

Apart from that.. I'm not in the mood to buy anything else.. I think I already have enough shoes and clothes for now.. must practice self-restraint...

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