Friday, December 26, 2008

My Christmas presents this year are probably the best I've ever had =) Wheeeeee happy happy..

I'm on leave from today until Jan 5, because I can, and because I'm lazy. I need a break from being cheap labour.. either that or practicing the fine art of stoning in front of the laptop for 8 hours.

I am now a pro at operating the big bad printer/photocopier/scanner.. and finding source documents.. wooohooo

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've learnt that you know that you know too much about music when you have to tell a waitress who's the artist of the song that's playing on their TV...

Anyway, I'll be going back home in 2 days! WHEEEEEEE! And I won't be greeted with a slap of Unemployment to the face, because I finally secured an internship =) Whooopeee...

And.. if all goes well, I should be getting tickets for the Coldplay concert tomorrow. =)

Friday, November 21, 2008

I've got another wisdom tooth growing! Hahahaha.. discovered it last night.

That doesn't mean I'm any wiser though.. considering all the stupid things I've said and done.

My exam's ending next Wedesday. Two more papers to go. My first 2 subjects have already gone to Hell, so I'm hoping I don't self-destruct and blow my final 2 subjects too.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm starting to feel, much more frequently now, that when I was a baby I must have fallen from the top of the Stupid tree and hit every Stupid branch on the way down.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One of the things I've started to do when I'm not studying (taking an 'extended break') is play Black and White. It's some game where you get to play God. The version I'm playing is extremely old thanks to my shitty integrated graphics card =(.

During my first hour trying out the game I've... accidentaly destroyed a house by throwing a rock at it.. flung a sick man across the land also by accident.. and accidentaly destroyed another person's house by dropping a huge piece of rock too close to the entrance. Yeah, I'm unintentionally sadistic that way.

In that game, you get to choose a "Creature" which is supposed to be your "Godly form" or some sort. There's three retarded looking (thanks to the "awesome" graphics) animals to choose from. I chose a cow. Big fat stupid lazy retarded Moo all the time cow. Yeah.

I think I need to find something better to do. And post less boring stuff as well.

I'm flying home in One month. Wheee.

Thursday, October 16, 2008




Sunday, October 12, 2008

I want some man eye candy... Imma treat myself to some man eye candy.


As for what I've been up too lately.. I just bought myself a green Ipod nano a few days ago. And a box with 32 pieces of Lindt chocolate which only cost me around $14. Awesome.
And studying for Corporate Law is such a bitch.
The Office is one of the best shows ever.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours.

They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hahahahaha I did the stupidest thing I've ever done today. It wasn't intentional =(...

Now it's being used as blackmail. =(

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I hope my lunch and haircut later today will be DAMN GOOD.

If not I'll lament the emptiness of my wallet and bank account..


Sunday, September 21, 2008

I PASSED my mid terms!
I am SO happy!

Especially for ACE since I couldn't finish the paper.. and half the students failed. It was seriously tough.

Now I really regret making stupid bets..

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sometimes, I wish that the stupid politcians of Malaysia who say things such as 'Chinese are pendatangs' and their fellow poster-ripping cronies would just drop dead like flies or something. Reading the news these days makes me feel so depressed.

Malaysia could do so much better.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I've been studying this past 1-1 and a half weeks or so.. Have got 2 mid terms this week, one of which I sat for today. I hope I won't fail both.... if I failed today's one, I can literally go kill myself or something.

My throat has been aching like crazy since yesterday, I really don't know why. All of a sudden, I woke up with one hell of an aching throat. Drinking water can be torture sometimes.

I'm at a loss for what to eat for dinner everynight. Instant noodles is always an option, but I love my artificially coloured red hair very much. Plus, I don't want to return home and end up being Yun Nam haircare's latest ambassador. Haih =(

I feel like going somewhere expensive to eat for a change. I do have the money.. After all, I did save a four figure sum of AUD to bring here.. I miss the indulgence of going to expensive restaurants to have a gastronomic meal once in a while haha. And the MYR-AUD exchange rate has been extremely favourable lately!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

GTA IV is so so sooo much fun! Hahahaha.. I absolutely love the political incorrectness of the game.. not to mention, the radio stations and tv channels are EXTREMELY FUNNY. I just sat on the couch staring at Niko on the TV watching the TV for 30 mins straight hahahha. I also tend to be very suicidal in the game. I tried jumping from the subway station down to the ground. Made a woman scream and run in terror when the guy landed HAHA. I also jumped onto the subway tracks but in the end decided to make him climb back up to safety. I won't save him next time =P

I've only completed 9.77% of the game so far =(. Such a long way to go.. I wish I have my own PS3.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I shall not be drinking alcohol for some time.. I think all my alcohol cravings for the entire year have been satiated in one night.

I took a measly amount of pictures that night.. All the other pictures were taken by other friends. It can be found on Facebook if you're curious and resourceful enough.. at least I don't look wasted in them.

I missed the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony =(. However, I was wearing my Beijing Olympics t-shirt earlier during the day ahhahahahha. Official merchandise you know!

First assignment due on Thursday, arghhhhh! Lots of textbook reading left.. at least I've finished the reading pack one. OB is not as boring as Cost Management. CM is real hell and is officially one of the most boring subjects I've ever taken. Makes me seriously question a future career as an accountant. Thank god for finance..

Oh, and about how the MNC interview went, let me summarise it in 3 words:

It. Was. Shit.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I have a phone interview with a huge MNC this Thursday. I'm feeling really really nervous because my current interview success rate is a whopping 0% and it would be a huge success if I manage to finally nail one. I could really use the $$$, not to mention the invaluable experience I would definitely gain IF I get the internship.

Wish me luck..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I should significantly cut down on coffee consumption at uni, since my body is obviously immune to caffein. I dozed off for a few minutes during law lecture today even though i just had a large cup of coffee. Just as well since I'm currently rather broke.

Did more origami for OB tute today. This time it was those "fortune-teller" thingies most of us used to play during our childhood. I, together with another person, had to teach the members of our group the fine art of folding those things as a tutorial activity.

Last week it was folding paper planes for Cost Management.. now this..

I think I should sleep now.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

To My Neighbours (The Ones Next Door In Particular),

I would like to politely ask the people mentioned above to
I have been putting up with all the noisy music and loud irritating high-pitched whiny fucked-up voices of yours ever since I've been here. And thanks to your apparant lack of IQ or a brain, I have gotten calls from our friendly security guards on the ground floor to keep the "volume" down in my room. WHEN ALL THE SHIT COMES FROM YOUR PLACES. Even the loudest volume i play my music at can BARELY BE HEARD FROM OUTSIDE MY DOOR. So Minda and I have had to take all of your fucking crap on your non-deserving behalves.

I went out of my room and walked right next door and YUP. THE LOUD NOISES. FROM NEXT DOOR. DOING FUCK KNOWS WHAT. The next time I get a call I might be so angry I might just give the guard a good scolding and ask him to call your unit instead.

My hatred for my neighbours grows day by day, amplified by the ear-piercing decibles emnating from their rooms. Fucking deaf ingrates. I bet their eardrums are already fucking busted thanks to their constant abuse and think that their voices are like music to other people's ears. NEVER HAVE I HEARD SUCH ANNOYING GRATING VOICES IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.

Many thanks for destroying my peace and for the panda eyes I will definitely have in the afternoon thanks to your thoughtlessness.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is playing Minesweeper expert level everyday non-stop until I win at least one round mean I have OCD? I've been doing so ever since I was in Form 5.. so it's been a 3-years long habit. It's an addiction which can't seem to be broken..

Sometimes I play 3-card Solitaire too. I rarely win =(

I've given up trying to pass the final stages of Penguin Fever. It's so frustrating since the game seems to allow no room for creativity.. If the solution I come up with doesn't match with the game's set solution, I still end up losing, even though I managed to knock down all the penguins. Dammit.

I feel so tired today. Still am not used to waking up fairly early to attend lectures.. Doesn't help that the lectures don't seem to be very interesting so far. Apart from the paper plane making and throwing session today, haha! Fell asleep during law lecture even though I had 1 large coffee before that..

I can't wait for the week to end..

Fulfilling Obligations..

I got tagged by Harry. I don't do tags all the time but I'm bored, so I'll make this an exception.. and after reading through this, you might know me just a little bit more.

Six things I’m passionate about
1. Food
2. Music
3. Shoes
4. Shopping
5. My 2 darling cats.. miss them so much
6. My personal causes not sanctioned by any particular organization.

Six things I say too often
Oh my god this is hard.. I have no idea what do I say too often..
1. la
2. "hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha"
3. shit you la
4. you suck
5. go away I don't like you
6. I don't know. Not that I don't know what's the 6th thing i say too often, you know what I mean?

Six books I’ve read recently
1. Frank Lampard's autobiography
2. Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides. This is a good book.
3. Plain Truth - Jodi Picoult
4. Playing with Fire - Gordon Ramsay
5. OK! magazine (Australian edition)
6. People magazine

Six songs I can listen to again and again
I'm just skimming through my song collection to answer this question..
1. Boston - Augustana
2. Yesterday - The Beatles
3. Think I'm In Love - Beck
4. Trouble - Coldplay
5. Die Another Day - Madonna
6. Memory (acoustic version) - Sugarcult

Six things I learnt in the past year
1. Driving around in my CLK (cute little Kancil)
2. How to cook meals which are suitable for human consumption
3. Stream TV series online.. saves so much time and hard drive space
4. The life-altering skill of tram-hopping
5. Succesfully open all sorts of bottles
6. My alcohol tolerance

I cooked oreo dory for dinner today! It's not dory with oreos.. it's actually one of the dory varieties. It was the first time I've attempted cooking fish which is not breaded or covered in tempura batter, so I'm damn proud of myself =). Tasted quite good too in my opinion. I still have a few pieces left so I'm going to cook more dory again one of these days.

I miss eating fish sooooo much, especially fish cooked chinese style. I'm really craving for steamed river fish with soya sauce... one of my all time favourite dishes...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Laser wars today was so much FUN! Was 5th out of 12 people.. not bad eh for a first timer?

Classes are resuming in 2 days time.. I like my timetable this sem, because all my classes are in the afternoon =D. Lazy me always seems to fall asleep during morning classes.. and I get Tuesdays off! So it's all good..

Monday, July 14, 2008

It feels weird not uttering a single word at all throughout the day.. because there is no one else to talk to! Unless I talk to myself.. but that would mean that I've gone crazy.. and I think I'm still rather sane.. My vocal chords are so under-utilized =(..

Good thing I should be going out tomorrow! Yay more food! I've cut down on eating since I've been back here in Melb but my love for food is still as strong as ever, haha.

I feel like going down to the city to window shop and to get more wine/liqour.. hahaha I'm NOT an alcoholic ok.. just the OCCASIONAL drink now and then. No, I'm not in denial. Shhhhhhh..

I want to get a new white scarf to replace the one that magically disappeared.. I loved that scarf so much =(.. but EVERYTIME i go to the store where the scarf is sold.. they don't have that colour! That shop never has what I want when I really want it and when I don't plan to get anything.. IT'S THERE. Kinda weird...

Apart from that.. I'm not in the mood to buy anything else.. I think I already have enough shoes and clothes for now.. must practice self-restraint...

Friday, July 11, 2008

In all its glory..

Code Semester Year Description Mark Grade
306106 1 2008 Business Process Analysis 071 H2B
306202 1 2008 Intermediate Financial Accounting 059 P
316205 1 2008 Introductory Econometrics 062 P
333201 1 2008 Business Finance 060 P

University of Melbourne Result Grades Explanation, from semester 1, 1993 to present
H1 80-100 First Class Honours
H2A 75-79 Second Class Honours Division A
H2B 70-74 Second Class Honours Division B
H3 65-69 Third Class Honours
P 50-64 Pass
N 0-49 Fail

Should I feel happy? I don't know.. I have mixed feelings about this.. but at least, I'm relieved that I do not have to retake any subject.. These days I seem to aim to pass! If I want to more than pass, looks like i have to say goodbye to my social life =(..

Looks like changes and sacrifices have to be made next semester..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

So far this winter.. my mom and sis came over to visit.. and we went to Sydney together.. and I came back here alone.

At Lindt Cafe, Darling Harbour, Sydney

Since I've been back from Sydney, I bought another pair of shoes to increase the total amount of shoes I have with me to 11 (my very own football team of shoes), and re-dyed my hair. It's now a lovely, brighter shade of red than the one I had previously.. very satisfied with it.. Hope I can get the same colour done at home since 2 shades of red were mixed to create my current colour..

The boredom has slowly but surely started to sink in.. Especially since there hasn't been that many interesting shows on tv these past few days.. I feel like dota-ing =/ been ages since I last played =(. My laggy wireless internet doesn't allow it now.. the ping time is madness..

I wish I could watch CHELSEA play BACK HOME! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... If Lampard's playing, I think I could cry.. Why can't they come in December instead?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

" Lalala la lalala : Lalala la lalala Lalala la lalala : Lalala la lalala Lalala la lalala : Lalala la lalala Lalala la lalala : Lalala la"
- Gobbledigook by Sigur Rós

Ever since my Econometrics exam.. I've been taking a break from studying because really, "I Can't Take It Anymore".. therefore I've been leading an extremely unproductive lifestyle these past few days. I think my days after my Sydney trip will be spent in similar fashion.

For example, today all I did was wake up in the afternoon, enjoy the shining sun for 2 hours, gorge on sweet thai chilli flavoured potato chips (very nice.. red rock brand is the best btw), watch 2 movies on tv.. and later on.. watch a whole stretch of The Office season 2 while drinking Black Label Chilled Orange Juice.. "ganas" brand for fruit juice..

I want some new songs to listen to! The latest songs I have right now are songs from Chuck OST (quite a nice tv series..), the new Coldplay album, which in my opinion is absolute auditory pleasure.. and a few other songs like the one quoted at the beginning of this post.

I love my Mexican Hat Dance ringtone.

Bye bye.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I realize.. after reminiscing about all the things I have done over the years.. I really am a CORRUPT person. Hahahahahha

I shall not list down those things here because the list would be rather long.. Anyway if you have known me long enough, you would know AT LEAST one thing.

I have taught others things that they shouldn't be doing.. things that a morally upright society will definitely frown upon =P.

Even though it greatly benefits those who maintain those 'corrupt' practices at the expense of others..

I am a bad influence...

Don't go telling your parents that I am the one who encouraged you if you ever have to go to rehab for alcoholism or get fined by tram officers, ok?

Most of you are older than me anyway, who asked you to follow what I do?

Monday, June 16, 2008

An Open Letter

Dear Mr. Boys,

I would like to say 'thank you' for that wonderful surprise you had in store for me and my friends this morning. Sadly, I neither see the humour nor the fun of that surprise. Maybe 10 years from now I'll go "Ha Ha Ha, That Was Hilarious!", but right now, it is very difficult for me to laugh and see the lighter side of things. I'm sure you meant well though. You can't be THAT sadistic, right?

P.S: You suck.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


You Are An ISTP

The Mechanic

You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations.

A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent.

To outsiders you seem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable.

You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people.

In love, you tend to be very easy going and flexible.

The only thing you can't stand for is someone trying to change you or your life.

At work, you can stay completely calm under pressure. You handle stress well.

You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete.

How you see yourself: Logical, flexible, and unconventional

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Indecisive, flippant, and disrespctful

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's that time of the year again..

The time where I nerd to the extent that on the dreaded exam day itself, I would (hopefully) be able to spew all the answers out on the exam paper..

And 'magically' forget all the material I have studied for the moment I put my pen down for the final time that day.

For the first time ever, this would also be the time where I unoficially 'close' the kitchen for dinner, because I really can't be bothered to cook a proper meal for myself to eat and really too busy..

Not to mention.. I AM LAZY!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It really sucks when I buy something which is already discounted..

And few days later.. it gets further discounted.. by a significant amount.


It's happened to me twice already. And at the SAME shop.


I just made up a new, extremely useful quote today! Good for annoying people too when used repeatedly.. hahahah. No, I'm not going to say what it is here.. don't want it to be abused..

I've gotten myself an early birthday present ><. Bought a trench coat yesterday for $70.. shhhh don't tell anyone.. HOPEFULLY I'll stop buying more clothes from now on.. at least until there's a huge sale or something.

The finales for Desperate and One Tree Hill were so.. ARGHHHHHH.. the endings were so full of suspense. Can't wait till September when the new seasons premiere for all the tv series i watch.. Heroes 3 hour season premiere woohoo!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

An update..

The weather today was the coldest I've ever experienced since I've been here! It was raining practically the whole day (I think.. I was asleep half of the day =P) and the maximum temperature was.. 9 degrees? I like it though.. I think I'm getting quite used to the cold now..

I bought The Age Cheap Eats Guide 2008.. such an expensive food guide (after conversion), but I think it's quite worth the money I paid for it.. I love trying out new places to eat.. and the only places I can afford to try out here are the ones which are CHEAP.. haha. I can hardly afford any of the places featured in the Good Food Guide =(.

Right now I'm looking forward to my birthday! It's like.. the most important day of the year for me. This year.. I've booked a table at a Japanese restaurant named Izakaya Chuji for my birthday dinner.. I always make it a point to spoil myself rotten on my one special day of the year =). Hope that the food's good.. Especially since it is awarded 2 stars in the cheap eats guide..

Monday, May 12, 2008


The one I'm facing right now is..

Do I go back home and cook dinner and watch TV then (hopefully) go to sleep?


Do I just go to sleep right now in the uni library?

I'm so so so so tired..

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Currently listening to:

Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart

Augustana - Hey Now

Coldplay - Violet Hill

Faker - This Heart Attack

Fall Out Boy - Beat It

FM Static - Tonight

The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger

The Kills - Sour Cherry

Mint Royale - Singing in the Rain

Phantom Planet - Do the Panic

The Potbelleez - Don't Hold Back

Sick Puppies - What Are you Looking For

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monday night cooking session

Monday night's dinner was a very simple dinner: Spiral Pasta with Creamy Sundried Tomato Sauce + Mixed Beef & Mixed Herbs

Added 1 teaspoon of sugar to the mix as well to tone down the sourness abit.. This is the best tomato-based pasta dished I've cooked so far. I really liked it and had the leftovers for dinner today.

Anyway.. I didn't get through to the 2nd Safeway interview.. =(.. Found out about it yesterday.. was quite disappointed. Nevertheless, it was a good experience, especially since this is the first time I've gone through the job application process and managed to get a group interview on my first try. Met a rather diverse group of people there as well. Plus, I had the opportunity to walk around the FARAWAY suburb of Preston.

I'm STILL applying for jobs here and there.. learning from this experience and hoping to finally manage to secure a job soon. Really cutting down on my spending now by preparing lunch at home =)

I have three assignments due between 8-12 May.. it's killer, but I feel that there's less pressure compared to before since I don't have anymore mid terms to study for. Mid terms here are really hellish and stressful, absolutely nervewrecking .Totally different from HELP. I find it much tougher here =S.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I wonder why..

ALL the HOT guys are GAY?


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You know you're lucky when..

You board a tram where ALL the ticket validation machines are CLOSED and the ticket machine is OUT OF ORDER. HAHA!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Friday.. Minda, Derek (bro), Steph (sis-in-law.. and from now on they shall be known as such here) and I went to the most CRAPTASTIC dessert place ever in Melbourne, some say Malaysia.

Minda's Yoyo. It was.. so-so.. even the cheap cakeshops in Malaysia can come up with this..

"Grape fruit roll". More like Grape Shit if you ask me.. It's sis-in-law's FAVOURITE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TOO HAHA. TOK TOK TOK. Stupid rock hard piece of sh*t. It was the most expensive dessert out of the 4 somemore.

Sis-in-law's I forgot what's the name of this dessert. The middle part was okay.. but I'm not a big fan of the cream..

Bro's chocolate mud cake. Looks nice, right? But the insides were so damn DRY..

So the conclusion is.. DO NOT go to the dessert place at Lonsdale St, next to Stalagtites. You have been forewarned.

Apart from that, we also had Vietnamese beef noodles at Russel St, and chinese dinner at Sharks Fin House at Little Bourke St, which in my opinion, is the most OVERRATED chinese restaurant in Melbourne. I found dim sum there just plain average.. thankfully their dinner dishes are better. But they have that stupid minimum $15 per head charge..

We'll be trying out Pacific House at Richmond this Friday! Planned to go to Glen Waverly for some dim sum on Saturday but I just remembered that I am volunteering for the MASCA Intervarsity games.. yeah man I'm so involved in extracuricullar stuff now hahaha.

We plan to try out new makan places every Friday from now on.. and start a food blog to document our culinary experiences.. However, we don't have a name for our group yet =(.. Any suggestions?

I've also managed to secure a Group Assessment invitation from Safeway supermarket.. if all goes well.. I would officially be a working overseas student. I have to get through this and pass the 2nd interview as well.. The extra cash would do very very nicely to fund my shopping trips.. =) I just bought shoes today.. 3-inch wedges.. only $20 because the store had a 60% off storewide sale. Nice nice me likey.. I shop tooooo much here.. compared to back home.. haih.. the currency exchange rate doesn't help much either.

I also bought Levi's jeans from the Spencer St. DFO! BEST BARGAIN EVER. Only $25. The original price was $100. If you don't think that's an awesome bargain, you ought to be whacked with those jeans..

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Today's Dinner Special

Spaghetti Aglio Olio with Mushrooms and Smoked Salmon!

First time I ever tried cooking this dish.. so proud of myself.. hahahah

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


why why why why why?

=/ ....


Assignments and mid terms this week YAARGHHHHHH

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cooking Journal

This is to prove that I'm an AWESOME chef (in my opinion).. haha. I have not burned down the kitchen so far or cooked anything that made anyone rush to the toilet after eating it, so I think my cooking is at the very least..edible for the masses.

Let me show you some of the stuff I've cooked so far..not in chronological order..

My first breakfast!

Just follow packet instructions.. how SIMPLE. And lazy of me.

My first spaghetti! Not bad.. but doesn't taste so good when it's eaten as leftovers..

Today I cooked chicken with my very own gravy! I liked it and I think Minda did too.. tastes something like what my mom does.. hahaha. So it's a great success!

I'm going to keep updating this post from time to time to show more of my dishes..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sometimes, with all the things going on with my life right now, I feel overwhelmed..

It isn't easy juggling with so much more things than I used to handle when I was back home.. not that I'm complaining about it. But once in awhile.. the stress of it all kinda gets to me a little.

So the easiest way to regain some semblance of sanity in my life is to..

Just forget about everything for awhile..


Have some mindless chatter..

And a bottle of beer. =)